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Techniques, often simply known as tech, are special moves Madeline can do to improve their mountain-climbing ability. They come in a wide range of uses and difficulty.

Dash Tech

Dash Tech refers to techs that require a dash to use, and tend to be simple yet useful. Most dash tech can be Extended, meaning you regain a dash by touching the ground for longer; or Reversed, meaning you dash one direction but launch the other direction. Reversing a tech is a handy way to Extend it without much ground room, and as such, Reversed + Extended tech is only referred to as Reversed.

Superdash (Super)

Supers will carry the player a relatively short distance but give lots of height. To do a Super, dash parallel to the ground and press Jump during the dash. This can be shortened by pressing Jump sooner (or immediately) after Dash.

Extended: Wait longer before jumping after pressing Dash.

Reversed: Dash in one direction, but press the opposite direction (after the dash) before jumping. Madeline will be launched in the opposite direction.

Variant - Mid-air super: Supers don't need to touch the ground the entire time; you can do a dash from any position and jump off the ground, and still perform it successfully.

Hyperdash (Hyper)

Hypers will launch the player farther and lower than supers, but are slightly harder to pull off. To do a Hyper, dash diagonally down while touching the ground and then jump. Again, it can be shortened by pressing Jump sooner. Hypers are taught in Chapter 8's C-Side.

Extended: Wait longer before jumping after pressing Dash.

Reversed: Dash in one direction, but press the opposite direction (after the dash) before jumping. Madeline will be launched in the opposite direction.

Demodash (Demo)



Jellyvator / Theovator (-vator)

Dashless Tech

Dashless Tech refers to techs that don't need a dash to use, and tend to be somewhat more complex.

Fastfalling (Fastfall)

Bunnyhop (Bhop)

Ceiling Pop




5 Jump

Cornerboost (Cboost)

Dream/Core/Block Tech

Dream Jump

Dream Super

Dream Hyper



Expert Tech


Ground Ultras (Gultras)

Chained Ultras

Spike Jumps

Double Blockboost

Jelly Juggling


- The Keyskip strategy in Chapter 5 requires a Reverse Super.

- The Demodash was discovered by the player [[Community:|DemoJameson|DemoJameson]] on (DATE NEEDED). It was subsequently named after him.