Celestial Resort

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Celestial Resort

Chapter 3
Strawberries 25  • 3
Sides 3A  •  3B  •  3C
Characters  • Madeline
 • Badeline
 • Theo
 • Mr. Oshiro

Level navigation
Old Site ← Celestial Resort → Golden Ridge

Celestial Resort is the third chapter of Celeste. Preceded by Old Site and succeeded by Golden Ridge, it occurs in a decrepit hotel, named it introduces Mr. Oshiro, a ghost whom manages the hotel and attempts to convince Madeline to stay. This chapter notably features a vast number of Dust Bunnies, also known as Sludge, which are the products of Mr. Oshiro's own insecurities.


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After leaving the ruins, Madeline finds a hotel, she finds a bell with a note on it that says "Please Ring for Service" and rings it, the lights go down and a ghost appears, he introduces himself as the concierge of the "world-renowned Celestial Resort hotel", Mr. Oshiro. Asking Madeline how long she will stay, the mountain climber replies that they aren't staying and that they want leave to continue climbing the mountain. Oshiro ends up getting a bit concerned because he is losing a guest; he tells Madeline that there is a world-class view of the peak in their presidential suite, and offers to guide her to the room.

After traversing a few rooms, Madeline tells him that the hotel is in pretty rough shape. Soon after, Madeline finds herself in a messy room full of clothes, books and crates. Upon finding Oshiro, he starts getting worried, realizing the hotel is a huge mess. After realizing he can't clean the whole hotel alone, he gives up, but Madeline offers to help him. When Madeline starts cleaning, Oshiro thinks it's the power of positive thinking; however, Madeline tells him that it was actually her who cleaned some of the clutter. Eventually, Madeline can find a paper hidden under a pile of clothes, informing the hotel staff that the Celestial Resort is closing; this explains part of why the hotel is in such shape. She can also find Theo crawling through the vents in order to leave the hotel, telling her to stop helping him; this fails to work, and Madeline continues to clean the hotel.

After cleaning up all the mess, Oshiro guides her to the presidential suite, where, en route, she again finds Theo telling her to leave. A bit later, she can find Oshiro leaking dust sprites out of his head out of nervousness, blocking the shortcut to her room; this explains where all of the dust bunnies came from. Upon Madeline reaching the suite, she tells Oshiro that it is beautiful, solely to avoid disappointing him (he doesn't realize this); Maddy then states her intent, saying that she now wants to leave and continue climbing the mountain. Oshiro's nervousness continues to manifest, and makes it so that he'll give Madeline a discount. She declines, stating that she wishes to continue climbing the mountain.

Oshiro begs her to stay in the hotel, but is quickly interrupted by Badeline, who appears in the mirror and then proceeds to shatter it, telling Oshiro that he is a loser and that the hotel is the worst place she's ever seen. Madeline attempts to calm down Oshiro, who soon enough ends up snapping and lashing out her. Badeline tries to convince Maddy that she shouldn't be helping the creepy weirdo that Oshiro is.

“This resort is a dump. No one would ever want to stay here.”

~ Badeline, talking to Oshiro

Soon after, Oshiro starts attacking Madeline while she tries to escape the hotel on the rooftop. After a long chase sequence, Oshiro breaks the roof and makes Madeline fall onto the ground with him; he subsequently explains that he knows the hotel is a total mess and was supposed to be closed for repairs and asks her to leave him alone.






Forsaken City contains 25 distinct red strawberries. These require the use of specific mechanics, require discovering secret rooms, or require going out of your way.

Speedrun strategies

Elevator Shaft demodash

Following the cutscene where Oshiro starts spewing out dust bunnies, it is possible to perform a demodash in order to skip having to take a detour via below. This is commonly used in any% speedruns, since it can save approximately twelve seconds over the intended method.

See also