Tech: Difference between revisions

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25 bytes added ,  8 months ago
rearranged techs, removed modded techniques paragraph
(added splipped droosts)
(rearranged techs, removed modded techniques paragraph)
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'''Techniques''', often simply known as '''tech''', are special moves [[Madeline]] can do to enhance her mountain-climbing ability. They come in a wide range of uses and difficulties. Many can be used to skip sections of a room, or multiple rooms at once.
'''Warning:''' Some higher-level and more obscure techniques (like 7-Jumps) may be missing, improperly named, or incorrectly described. Do not expect 100% accuracy or comprehensiveness. If you notice any issues, inaccuracies, or typos, please let us know by reporting it on the [[{{TALKPAGENAME}}|talk page]] or [[Special:EditPage/Techniques|fixing it yourself]] page BEFORE criticizing the Celeste Wiki on [[Celestecord]] or something. We appreciate your contribution to making the Celeste Wiki more complete.
== Dash Tech ==
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When climbjumping on the top of a corner with horizontal momentum, it is possible to conserve all of her previous momentum while also gaining +40 speed if the climbjump is done before touching the wall. This is called a '''cornerboost'''. They also cancel dashes, so their speed is preserved instead of lost at the end of the dash. If going above 180 speed, it isn't assured that you can climbjump before touching the wall, even if you're buffering it.
==== Downward Cornerboosts ====
'''<u>Downward Cornerboosts:</u>''' Doing a cornerboost while Madeline has downward momentum works differently than when she has upward or horizontal momentum: Madeline loses all her speed and does a regular climbjump unless there are 2 pixels separating Madeline from the wall, making those cornerboosts horizontally pixel perfect.
==== 6 Jump ====
<u>'''6 Jump:'''</u> 6 Jumps utilize cornerboosts as a dashless tech, where a 5 Jump is done while already having horizontal momentum. To do a 6 Jump, get some horizontal motion to the wall corner and climbjump on it as if you were doing the second half of a 5 Jump. A cornerboost will be done instead, spanning 6 tiles.
==== Double Cornerboost ====
If Madeline has a horizontal speed below ~144, it's possible to cornerboost once and not hit the wall, making it possible to execute another cornerboost and gain an additional +40 speed.
==== Reverse Cornerboost ====
A reverse cornerboost is executed by climbjumping a corner that is ''behind'' Madeline. This cancels the dash and conserves momentum on top of giving height like a normal cornerboost. However, the +40 speed from jumping is applied in the opposite direction, slowing Madeline down slightly. This is usually done to cancel an up-diagonal dash and is beneficial because the speed from the dash (minus 40) is conserved. This was initially considered a TAS-only tech, but it has been implemented by high-level players, especially in individual-level runs.
==== Neutral Reverse Cornerboost ====
A neutral reverse cornerboost allows you to not lose any speed compared to a regular reverse cornerboost. You must hold neutral directions while performing the reverse cornerboost, done by pressing the opposite direction and then going neutral before making the cornerboost, making Madeline face the corner. Since this is a neutral cornerboost, pressing the opposite direction Madeline is facing within the next 11 frames will cause a wallboost. Because of that, you can't hold a directional key, making you lose your speed twice as fast.
==== Spiked Cornerboost ====
A Spiked Cornerboost is a cornerboost on a corner that has spikes on one or two adjacent surfaces. A notable example of a spiked cornerboost is the "Dreadcorner" strat in {{ch|5B}}, which skips the same rooms that a Bubsdrop does.
=== Throwable Backboost (Backboost) ===
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Simply climbjump into the block right before it disappears.
=== Double Cornerboost ===
If Madeline has a horizontal speed below ~144, it's possible to cornerboost once and not hit the wall, making it possible to execute another cornerboost and gain an additional +40 speed.
=== Reverse Cornerboost ===
A reverse cornerboost is executed by climbjumping a corner that is ''behind'' Madeline. This cancels the dash and conserves momentum on top of giving height like a normal cornerboost. However, the +40 speed from jumping is applied in the opposite direction, slowing Madeline down slightly. This is usually done to cancel an up-diagonal dash and is beneficial because the speed from the dash (minus 40) is conserved. This was initially considered a TAS-only tech, but it has been implemented by high-level players, especially in individual-level runs.
=== Splipped droosts ===
It is possible to dreamdash in the top corners of a spiked dream block without actually entering it. The name is considered a meme.
=== Neutral Reverse Cornerboost ===
A neutral reverse cornerboost allows you to not lose any speed compared to a regular reverse cornerboost. You must hold neutral directions while performing the reverse cornerboost, done by pressing the opposite direction and then going neutral before making the cornerboost, making Madeline face the corner. Since this is a neutral cornerboost, pressing the opposite direction Madeline is facing within the next 11 frames will cause a wallboost. Because of that, you can't hold a directional key, making you lose your speed twice as fast.
=== Spiked Cornerboost ===
A Spiked Cornerboost is a cornerboost on a corner that has spikes on one or two adjacent surfaces. A notable example of a spiked cornerboost is the "Dreadcorner" strat in {{ch|5B}}, which skips the same rooms that a Bubsdrop does.
=== Dash Block Boosted Wall Bounce ===
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=== Cassoosted Fuper ===
This is essentially a joke tech. The full name of this tech is Cassette Boosted Feather Super. When [[cassette blocks]] activate, you have around a frame that you can jump and get a large vertical boost. This is known as a cassette boost. A feather super is going horizontally along the ground in a [[feather]] and jumping right when it runs out to get a horizontal speed boost. So a Cassoosted Fuper is getting a cassette boost as you perform a feather super.
=== Half Stamina Climbing ===
For a straight vertical wall, immediately after performing a wallboost, there are 2 frames where Madeline is still close enough to the wall to jump off of it. Climbjumping gives you +40 speed back towards the wall, allowing you to return to the wall sooner at the cost of stamina. This combination of a wallboost and a climbjump uses the stamina of one climbjump but gives the height of two.
This tech can be made somewhat more RTA-viable by binding the same key to left, right, and jump. After climbjumping away from the wall to wallboost, pressing it within 2 frames makes Madeline turn around and climbjump.
Madeline can also neutral jump within 2 frames of a wallboost. This does not consume stamina and allows Madeline to climb faster than using only neutral jumps.
[ The 100% TAS uses this technique when obtaining the heart in 6A.]
<!-- no consensus == Modded Tech ==
Modded Tech can't be done in the base game due to the level design but can be found in modded levels. The tech still exists in vanilla, there just isn't a spot to perform it. -->
=== Dream Redirect ===
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Attempting to perform an action not currently possible will "buffer" (store) the input for the next 5 frames. If it becomes possible within those 5 frames, Madeline will instantly perform it. For example, if you press jump slightly before landing on the ground, Madeline will jump on the first possible frame. This is notably used to execute techniques instantly after a screen transition or to turn frame-perfect tricks into 5-frame windows. It can be done with almost every action in the game (Buffering '''Ultras''' might not grant the x1.2 speed boost because you can jump off the ground without landing on it, depending on your y-pixel).
<!-- == TAS-Only Tech ==
These are techs only possible in [[TAS|Tool-Assisted Speedruns]] due to their complexity. Some of them can be performed by humans under the right circumstances. -->
=== Half Stamina Climbing ===
For a straight vertical wall, immediately after performing a wallboost, there are 2 frames where Madeline is still close enough to the wall to jump off of it. Climbjumping gives you +40 speed back towards the wall, allowing you to return to the wall sooner at the cost of stamina. This combination of a wallboost and a climbjump uses the stamina of one climbjump but gives the height of two.
This tech can be made somewhat more RTA-viable by binding the same key to left, right, and jump. After climbjumping away from the wall to wallboost, pressing it within 2 frames makes Madeline turn around and climbjump.
Madeline can also neutral jump within 2 frames of a wallboost. This does not consume stamina and allows Madeline to climb faster than using only neutral jumps.
[ The 100% TAS uses this technique when obtaining the heart in 6A.]
== Trivia ==


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