Mirror Temple

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Mirror Temple

Chapter 5
Strawberries 31  • 3
Sides 5A  •  5B  •  5C
Characters  • Madeline
 • Badeline (5A)
 • Theo (5A  •  5B)

Level navigation
Golden Ridge ← Mirror Temple → Reflection

Mirror Temple is the fifth chapter of Celeste. Preceded by Golden Ridge and succeeded by Reflection, it

Mirror Temple introduces five new mechanics: swap blocks, red bubbles, seekers, seeker barriers, and the Theo crystal.






Strawberries & Collectibles

Mirror Temple contains 31 unique red strawberries Hidden throughout the chapter. This incudes One winged strawberry, and one seeded berry. Additionally, a Cassette Tape and Blue Crystal Heart are hidden within.

Speedrun strategies


In any% and True Ending speedruns, the optimal strategy is to collect the Cassette Tape in 5A, and then subsequently complete 5B. This is because of how Mirror Temple's B-Side is quite a bit shorter than its A-Side. The use of a trick named "bubsdrop" is additionally used in 5B and saves about 20-25 seconds, but is difficult to perform. Alternatively the player can preform a very difficult trick known as "dreadcorner". It is faster but its very inconsistent and hard to pull off, this is why most speedruns of 5b don't use it. It requires a "spiked corner boost" of the corner in the same room as bubsdrop.

See also