(Redirected from Instagram)
InstaPix is a social media network within Celeste's universe, similar to Instagram in real life. Theo makes gratuitous use of the platform, uploading various photos from his life, like of him venturing out himself, Celeste Mountain's landscapes, or him being with Madeline. He goes by the handle @TheoUnderStars on Instapix, which is also the handle for an Instagram account with the following photos. His bio reads, "Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes, well, the bear eats you."
Theo's account first uploaded on Instagram on April 4, 2017, and his last upload was on September 9, 2019. The photos there were created by Amora Bettany and are also available on her website.
Photos uploaded on Theo's account[edit | edit source]
This gallery is catalogued in chronological order.
No. 1 "Hello Selfie"
No. 2 "Spoons Sock"
No. 3 "Allnighter"
No. 4 "Favorite Sneakers"
No. 5 "Throwback Thursday Selfie"
No. 6 "Leaving"
No. 7 "Mirror Selfie"
No. 8 "New Job"
No. 9 "Job Sucks"
No. 10 "Throwback Thursday with Sister"
No. 11 "Bus Window"
No. 12 "Video Chat"
No. 13 "Vancouver"
No. 14 "Cassette"
No. 15 "Hitchhike"
No. 16 "Postcard"
No. 17 "Arrived"
No. 18 "Selfie with Granny"
No. 19 "Sunset"
No. 20 "Birds"
No. 21 "Old Site"
No. 22 "Selfie with Madeline"
No. 23 "Celestial Resort"
No. 24 "Vent"
No. 25 "Cave"
No. 26 "Gondola Selfie"
No. 27 "Outside the Temple"
No. 28 "Inside the Temple"
No. 29 "Campfire Selfie"
No. 30 "Chill"
No. 31 "Pie"
No. 32 "Feather"
No. 33 "Good Morning"
No. 34 "New Scarf"
No. 35 "Videocall with Madeline"
No. 36 "Flag of Canada"
No. 37 "At Maddys"
No. 38 "Summer"
No. 39 "Caipirinha"
No. 40 "Towerfall / Archery"
No. 41 "Summer with Maddy"
No. 42 "Farewell"
No. 43 "Goodbye"
No. 44 "GIF"