Celeste Classic

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Revision as of 13:13, 5 November 2021 by SilurST (talk | contribs) (Added links to itch.io and the PICO-8 website and that Celeste Classic can be played in Celeste)
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CELESTE Classic (originally known as Celeste) is a video game released by Maddy Thorson and Noel Berry for a game jam in 2015. It serves as a predecessor to Celeste (the full game) and CELESTE Classic 2: Lani's Trek. It can be played on itch.io and the PICO-8 website.

The game occurs on Celeste Mountain. The unnamed mountain climber, very possibly a younger version of Granny who has the ability to jump and dash (not climb!), climbs up more than 3,000 meters, subsequently arriving at the summit. En route are various strawberries that serve as additional challenges for the player.

Celeste Classic serves as a secret mini-game in Celestial Resort, additionally becoming playable from Celeste's main menu if the player finds it.