Tech: Difference between revisions

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{{Main|Ultradashes}}After Madeline dashes diagonally down, she gains a 1.2x multiplier to her horizontal speed upon touching the ground. Another unique property of down-diagonal dashes is that unlike every other dash, a down-diagonal will not reset Madeline's speed to 0 if it ends in mid-air. What this means is that a player can dash down-diagonally with a significant amount of speed and, as long as the dash ends in midair, maintain all of that speed until she hits the ground, at which point it will be multiplied by 1.2x, allowing very high speeds to be reached on the right terrain.
The simplest and most common way to perform an '''Ultra''' is to perform a hyperdash and down-diagonally dash as soon as possible. The dash must end before Madeline touches the ground in order to maintain the momentum, so players should start from high enough up that the dash will end before they land. It is usually important to jump just after you touch the ground in order to lose as little speed to friction as possible. Players should aim not to buffer the jump input, (because this has a high likelihood of preventing the 1.2x boost) and instead try to press jump just after landing on the ground. To maintain the maximum speed with the ultradash, players should also aim to down-diagonally dash as soon as possible after the initial '''Hyper''' ( or other speed gain ).
<u>'''Grounded Ultras:'''</u> Grounded ultras are the fastest way to move on flat terrain ( 390 speed optimally ), dashing down-diagonally while on or very close to the ground will still give the 1.2x speed boost but all speed will be lost when the dash ends.
To perform a '''Grounded Ultra''' do an extended '''Hyper''' and down-diagonally dash as soon as possible ( extended '''Super''' also works but is slower ) which will result in a dash with 390 speed optimally and floor correction if dashing in the first two frames after jumping, because this is essentially the same input as a '''Hyper''' ( a down-diagonal dash into the ground ), players can jump before the dash ends to '''Hyper''' and be given 325 speed and '''Hyper''' height, this can be chained infinitely on flat terrain by simply down-diagonally dashing again after jumping ( it's more optimal to jump as late as possible, on the 14th frame optimally ).
<u>'''Chained Ultras:'''</u> Multiple '''Ultras''' can be done in a row. This requires a very specific terrain in order to be possible, but can quickly reach incredible speeds due to the multiplicative speed gain of '''Ultras'''.
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=== Demodash (Demo) ===
{{Main|Demodash}}'''Demodashes,''' also known as '''crouch dashes''', are a technique that allow the player to dash with the crouched hurtbox ( 4 pixels instead of 9 ), allowing you to slip through spinners, dust bunnies, and other obstacles unharmed if the gap between them is at least 4 pixels.
You can bind a '''Demo''' button in game since the [[Version history|]] version of the game. You can manually do '''Demos''' by pressing down ''before'' (within 4 frames or 0.068 seconds) - but not during - a dash, there is no advantages to doing them manually but it can be the only way to do them if you're playing on a console with a version prior to
<u>'''Demohyper:'''</u> Jumping during a '''Demo''' will result in a '''Hyper''', because of the crouched state needed for the '''Demo''' in the first place. Their main use is that they allow you to start a hyper from mid-air, and can be used where wavedashes are impossible.. '''Demohypers''' have a higher dash speed ( 240 instead of 169) than regular '''Hypers''' since they're horizontal and not diagonal dashes, this can make them harder/impossible to extend in some cases.
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== Dashless Tech ==
Dashless Tech refers to techstechniques that don't need a dash to use, and tend to be more complex or precise.
=== Bunnyhop (Bhop) ===
{{Main|Bunnyhops}}A bunnyhop is loosely defined as jumping as soon as Madeline hits the ground. Because there is more friction on the ground than in the air, bunnyhops allow Madeline to conserve speed over longer distances.
Bunnyhops are often used after a '''Wavedash''' or an '''Hyper''' in order to get a greater height than a '''Wavedash''' or '''Hyper''' on top of keeping their speed.
<u>'''Chained Bunnyhop:'''</u> Because each jump gives Madeline a short burst of speed ( +40 speed ), repeating bunnyhops is the fastest method of dashless movement along flat ground.
=== Cornerkick ===
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=== Neutral Jump (Neutral) ===
[[File:Neutral jumping.gif|thumb|100px|Neutral jumping]]
{{Main|Neutrals}}Neutrals are one of the most fundamental dashless techs. They allow Madeline to scale flat and uneven walls alike without using any [[stamina]], even with downward [[wind]].
To do a Neutral, jump off of the wall ''without'' holding directional keys, then immediately move towards the wall again. Rinse and repeat to keep moving up. The jumps can be delayed to stay in place.
=== 5 Jump ===
When Madeline grabs the top of a wall, she will slide down a significant amount and not be able to climb up further. However, you still can climbjump or wallkick off the top of the wall. A 5jump is executed by using a neutral climbjump to reach the top of the wall ( that is, a climbjump that solely goes upward) and then jumping or climbjumping off of it. This technique allows to climbjump over a 5 tile gap.
<u>'''6 Jump:'''</u> See '''Cornerboost''' below.
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== Entity Tech ==
Entity Tech refers to using blocks or [[Mechanics|entities]] of various kinds (and their respective mechanics) to do specifically useful techs.
=== Dream Jump ===
{{Main|Dream tech}}
You can jump out of [[dream blocks]] since they give coyote frames,. theyThe jump grantgrants height and horizontal speed gain ( +40 speed ) and dondoesn't consume your dash. To execute it, simply press jump as you leave the dream block. This technique is taught by the [[bird]] in the Old Site B-Side{{ch|2B|lf=1}}.
'''<u>Dream Double-Jump</u>:''' You can double jump out of dream blocks by buffering a first jump while in the dream block and jumping a second time while in coyote frames after exiting the block. Although this doesn't grant additional height compared to a regular dream jump, it does give an additional horizontal speed gain of 40 making it almost as fast as an '''Hyper''' ( 320 compared to 325 ).
=== Dream Hyper ===
Instead of simply jumping out of dream blocks, a '''Hyper''' or '''Demohyper''' ( which has a slightly bigger window ) can be done in the few frames right after you leave the dream block thanks to coyote frames. This has a much higher horizontal speed than a regular dreamjump but gives less height. Note that unlike dream jump(s), this does '''not''' give your dash back, as it is used after exiting the dream block and requires a dash. You also can do a '''Super''' out of a dream block but it doesn't have as much practical use as '''Dream Hyper''' or dream double-jump.
=== Featherboost ===
Holding a diagonal direction with the movement buttons on the first frame of [[feather]] movement will give an initial speed boost.
=== Core Boost ===
By jumping off a lava block a few frames before it breaks, you can gain a vertical speed multiplier of 2.25x and ana horizontal speed boost that depends ofon the block's launching direction, the more horizontal it is the more speed you get. This tech is required to complete a few rooms in {{ch|8|lf=1}}.
=== Core Hyper/Super ===
Using the same logic of '''Dream Hyper''', you can get a very large amount of horizontal speed and height by inputting one of these techs at the last few frames (coyote frames) of the lava block's launch. This works the same way as a '''Core Boost''' and as such, the core block's launching direction affects how much horizontal speed you get, the more horizontal it is the better.
Since you input the '''Core Hyper''' during coyote frames, you can even do it from grabbing the block, since this always launch the core block in an horizontal direction you'll always get a massive horizontal speed boost.
=== Fish / Bumper / Seeker Explosion Boost ===
All of these entities provide a large amount of momentum when used in a certain way (getting near them[[Pufferfish]]es, touching them[[Bumper]]s and being near them[[Seekers]] when they exploderevive, respectively), but share a common mechanic. When holding the same direction Madeline is boosted, you gain an extra boost of ~50 horizontal speed.
=== Seeker Bounce ===
After hitting a wall, [[seekers]] enter a different state for a brief moment,. While in this state, you can bounce into them and get ana horizontal speed boost ( approximately '''Hyper''' speed ) on top of refreshing your dash, it also affects your vertical speed depending on the angle at which you bump them. You cannot bounce off the top of the seeker since that's where the hitbox for "killing" them is.
=== Theo/Jelly Regrabs ===
Grabbing a [[Theo Crystal]] or Jellya [[Jellyfish]] while in dash state cancels it, which makes you maintain your vertical and horizontal speed,. youYou can do a regrab even if you're already holding Theo/Jelly,a throwable object: to do so, throw the objectit and quickly dash and grab into it,. thisThis can be useful if a short amount of height or distance is needed. Theo Regrabs are considerably harder than Jelly Regrabs.
=== Theo/Jelly Ultras ===
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ElevatorsVators rely on the fact that holding down while releasing grab will simply drop the item Madeline is holding (neutral drop), rather than throwing it. After dropping an item, dash upwards into it and grab it again. The dash will be cancelled and its momentum preserved, giving Madeline some more height.
<u>'''Note:'''</u> Throwables appear to give more height the later they are grabbed. This is not due to a difference in the amount of momentum preserved from cancelling the dash, but simply due to Madeline being higher up when the dash is actually cancelled. Theo crystals will provide less height than Jellyfish, since holding a jellyJellyfish lowers Madeline's gravity.
=== Oshiro / Snowball / Seeker / Fish Jump ===
Holding jump when landing on top of [[Oshiro]], a snowball, a [[pufferfish]], or a [[seeker]] will give Madeline a significant amount of height compared to not pressing jump, and also preserve some of Madeline's horizontal momentum. Madeline's dash and stamina will also be restored whether or not you press jump.
Hitting the top of one of these entities will also cancel Madeline's dash, preserving some of the momentum from the dash. For this reason, dashing horizontally unto one of these entities and jumping is sometimes colloquially referred to as a "Fish super", "Snowball super", and so on, despite mechanically not being in any way related to a '''Super'''.
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=== Cloud Jump / Spiked Cloud Jump ===
Madeline only needs to jump when the [[Clouds|cloud]] is at its highest position to gain the vertical speed boost, this can be used to avoid dying if there are spikes or other hazards under the cloud, jump quickly to push the cloud down, then jump again on it as it comes up.
=== Cloud Super/Hyper ===
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=== Cloud Hyper Bunnyhop ===
On top of doing '''Supers''' and '''Hypers''' on clouds, you also can do an '''Hyper Bunnyhop''' on white clouds, but since it's extremely tight most '''Cloud Hyper Bunnyhop''' are done with a reverse '''Demohyper''' ( doing a Demohyper instead of a regular Hyper makes it easier since the vertical dash of the Demohyper is faster and thus goes further than a down-diagonal dash).
To execute it, do a very short Reverse Demohyper with a short jump as soon as you land on the edge of the cloud, then Bunnyhop when the cloud reach its highest position in order to get maximum height.
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=== Cutscene Warps ===
Some cutscene skips only teleport Madeline along the X axis and keep her Y position. This allows Madeline to end up in unexpected places, and is sometimes used in {{ch|2A}} and {{ch|5A}} to skip a brief part of the room.
=== Cutscene Ultras ===
Skipping a cutscene cancels the dash state of Madeline,. youThis can thanksbe used to that conservesconserve the speed of a '''Grounded Ultra''' that would normally end at the end of the dash. Although cutscenes rapidly decrease Madeline's speed, skipping on the first frames available allows Madeline to keep most of the '''Grounded Ultra''' speed ( 390 ).
=== Grounded Ultra Cancel ===
Using the same principle as '''Cutscenes Ultras''' right above, cancelling your dash while in a '''Grounded Ultra''' makes Madeline keep the speed from it ( 390 ), this can be done in others way than skipping cutscenes such as canceling your '''Grounded Ultra''' with doors ( both key doors and mirror temple doors works ), this can be done by colliding with a door with a '''Grounded Ultra''' within the last 4 frames before it opens ( it stores the '''Grounded Ultra''' speed value for 4 frames ) and not being in the dash state when the door opens ( You can do ana '''Hyper''' after colliding with the door to stop being in dash state and still get the stored speed value of the grounded ultra once the door opens ).
=== Jelly Laddering ===
Using two jellyfishes, Madeline can grab one after the other to keep some of her vertical or horizontal speed.
You can use this technique to move directlyupwards indefinitely upwards by dropping and regrabbing the jellyfishes, though this techit doesn't have many practical uses and is quite inconsistent.
=== Lava climbing/Wallbounce ===
Lava blocks actually have an hitbox inside them that's 2 pixel away from their hurtbox,. becauseBecause youMadeline can walljump whenever Madelineshe is within 3 pixels of a wall, there is a single pixel where you can wallkick it or climb it with climbjumps/ or neutral jumps. Additionally, you can even wallbounce off of lava, since Madeline can wallbounce as long as she's within 5 pixels of a wall, instead of the usual 3 pixels there is 2 more x pixels where you can do a wallbounce. The frame window for the wallkicks input can be extended by buffering the jump but it isn't guaranteed to get a wallkick unless you're moving below 80 speed.
=== Ceiling Pop ===
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=== Cassoosted Fuper ===
This is essentially a joke tech. The full name of this tech is Cassette Boosted Feather Super. When [[cassette blocks]] appear, you have around a frame that you can jump and get a large vertical boost. This is known as a cassette boost. A feather super is going horizontally along the ground in a [[feather]] and jumping right when it runs out to get a horizontal speed boost. So a cassoosted fuper is getting a cassette boost as you perform a feather super.
== Modded Tech ==
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=== Screen Transition ===
When transitioning between two screens, Madeline's dash(es) and [[stamina]] are restored. This can be used to gain height or reach otherwise unreachable areas. It is required to get a [[crystal heart]] in {{ch|2A}} and some Red Strawberries.
=== Fastfalling (Fastfall) ===
Holding down while in midair will cause Madeline to fall faster ( 240 speed instead of the regular 160 falling speed ) after a short acceleration.
=== Coyote Time/Jump ===
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=== Fastbubbling ===
Pressing dash while inside a stationary bubble will make it move sooner ( this can be buffered ).
=== Directional Spikes ===
[[Spikes]] won't hurt Madeline if she collides with them as long as she's moving in the direction that they point. This is the mechanic behind Spikejumps and one-way gates.
=== Input Buffering ===
Attempting to perform an action while it is not currently possible will "buffer" or store the input for the next 5 frames. If the action becomes possible within those 5 frames, Madeline will instantly perform it. For example, if you press jump slightly before landing on the ground, Madeline will jump on the first possible frame. This is notably used to execute techniques instantly after a screen transition or to turn frame perfect tricks into 5 frame windows, and can be done with almost every action in the game ( Buffering '''Ultras''' might not grant the x1.2 speed boost because you can jump off the ground without landing on it, depending on your y pixel ).
== TAS-Only Tech ==
This is tech that is impossible for a human to perform, and as such is only possible in [[TAS|Tool-Assisted Speedruns.]]. Note that multiple techniques such as Ceiling Pops are largely TAS-only due to the precision involved, but can be performed by humans under the right circumstances.
=== Half Stamina Climbing ===
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== Trivia ==
* {{ch|1A}} - Dashless tech is used extensively forto 1A'scollect the [[Winged BerryGolden Strawberry]]. The Cornerkick named "Coffee Jump" refers to the Cornerkick in the room with the coffee shop in the background.
* {{ch|2A}} - Screen Transitions are used to obtain {{ch|2A's|lf=1}} [[Crystal Heart]].
* {{ch|3A}} - The Elevator Shaft Demo strategy, in 3Awhich requires a Demodash, howeverthrough therethe are[[Dust alsoBunnies]] othercreated roomsby in[[Oshiro]], thecan gamebe thatused it'sto stillskip multiple rooms usefulat inonce.
* The [[bird]] will tellteach youthe player multiple techs throughout the game. Notably: Dashing,climbing and dashing in Prologue;{{ch|Pr|lf=1}}, Dream Jumps, in Old{{ch|2B|lf=1}}, SiteDream B;Grabs Wallbouncesin {{ch|2C|lf=1}}, Wallbounces in Summit B;{{ch|7B|lf=1}} and Hyperdashes, in Core C. The game will teach Wavedashes to the player in Farewell{{ch|8C|lf=1}}.
* The game will teach [[Wavedashes]] to the player in {{ch|9|lf=1}} right after passing the [[Crystal Heart Gate]] in Event Horizon.
* The Demodash was discovered by the player [[Community:DemoJameson|DemoJameson]] on October 14, 2018. It was subsequently named after him.


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