Strawberry Jam Collab/Mango Mesa

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Mango Mesa: The Advanced Heartside

Collab Strawberry Jam Collab
Strawberries 1
Difficulty Advanced
Soundtrack Mango Mesa - Relics of the Past Mix

Mango Mesa is the third Heartside in the Strawberry Jam Collab and has 25 flags.

The maps represented in the heartside are, in order of appearance:

25 Lost Woods
24 Raindrops on Roses
23 Bee Berserk
22 Slime Time!
21 Forest Rush
20 Synapse
19 Dusk City
18 Belated Valentine's Day
17 Golden Dawn
16 Attack of the Clone
15 Sands of Time
14 Java's Crypt
13 Jellyfish Sanctum
12 Rightside-Down Cavern
11 Tectonic Trenches
10 Thinking with Portals
09 Lethal Laser Laboratory
08 Starry Ruins
07 Undergrowth
06 The Tower (XVI)
05 Toggle Theory
04 The Lab
03 Superstructure
02 Starlight Station
01 Call of the Void