Strawberry Jam Collab/Belated Valentine's Day

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Belated Valentine's Day

Creator YaGrillRoborb
Collab Strawberry Jam Collab
Strawberries 2 1
Difficulty Advanced
Soundtrack Heart of the Cards

Belated Valentine's Day is a red Advanced map created by YaGrillRoborb. Its main gameplay mechanic is bouncing off of (fake) Crystal Hearts of various sizes and colours, and there is also a healthy amount of neutral jumps.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

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  • There are a few fake-outs in this level. On the eighth screen, there is a miniature Crystal Heart that seems to signify that the level is over, but collecting it will reveal that there are more screens above the heart, this time using the miniature hearts for tighter gameplay.
  • A few screens after this fake-out, there is a screen that seems like it'll be quite long, however, it turns out that the first heart on this screen is real, as the level ends when the player dashes into it. (This evokes an appropriate response from Madeline, who simply exclaims "WHAT".)