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Wallbounces, unlike the other mentioned dash tech, isare aimed vertically. Torather dothan ahorizontally. Wallbounce,They followare thefunctionally sameidentical stepsto for a Super'''Superdashes''', but against a wall (and Dashingonly up). ratherUnlike thansupers, thethey ground.will This won'tnot restore your dash, but will giveas you aaren't large boost up and out fromtouching the wallground.
To do a Wallbounce, dash up and parallel to the wall and press Jump.
<u>Variant - Bubble Wallbounce:</u> Wallbounces can be performed directly out of a green bubble without dashing, if the bubble is launched upwards.
<u>Variant - Mid-Air Wallbounce:</u> Wallbounces don't need to touch the wall the entire time; you can do a dash from any position and still kick off the wall.
== Dashless Tech ==
Dashless Tech refers to techs that don't need a dash to use, and tend to be more complex or precise. Unlike the dashing variants, these cannot be extended or reversed.
=== Fastfalling (Fastfall) ===
One of the simplest techs to perform, Fastfalling will (you guessed it) make Madeline fall faster. Air friction will remain the same. To fastfall, hold Down while in mid-air.
=== Bunnyhop (Bhop) ===
A Bunnyhop is little more than hitting the jump button for as little time as possible. Repeated bunnyhops are slightly faster than normal walking, and can be added to some dash techs to increase speed at the cost of height.
<u>Variant - Chained Bunnyhop:</u> Repeated bunnyhops is slightly faster than walking.
=== Cornerkick ===
Cornerkicks are the use of bottom corners of terrain to kick off, giving a little more distance when it's needed; and are moderately easy to learn. To cornerkick, aim away from the wall, Jump towards the corner, and press Jump again when you hit the corner. Madeline will kick off the corner of the wall in the same way.
To cornerkick, aim away from the wall, Jump towards the corner, and press Jump again when you hit the corner.
<u>Note - Spiked walls:</u> Spikes do not hurt when Madeline is moving in the direction they are pointing. If the corner of the wall has spikes in the same direction you want to go, you can still safely kick off of it.
=== Crouch Jump/Climb ===
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=== Neutral Jump (Neutral) ===
{{Main|Neutrals}}Neutrals are one of the most fundamental dashless techs, used in a variety of base game and modded maps. They areallow moderately hardMadeline to learn,scale butflat easierand touneven master.walls Toalike do a neutral, kick off a wall ''without'' holdingusing aany directionstamina, then immediately hold a direction towards the wall; repeat until theeven wallwith isdownward climbedwind.
To do a Neutral, jump off of the wall ''without'' holding directional keys, then immediately move towards the wall again. Rinse and repeat to keep moving up. The jumps can be delayed to stay in place.
=== 5 Jump ===
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Dream Jumps grant a small upwards (but mostly horizontal) speed boost when exiting Dream Blocks. Simply press Jump as you leave the dream block.
<u>Dream Double-Jump</u>: Spamming the jump button twice right as Madeline makes it out of the dream block allows for a longer jump than a normal dream jump. This may not be possible without binding two jump buttons.
=== Dream Super/Hyper ===
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By jumping off a fire core block a few frames after it breaks, you can gain an additional boost of speed, about 1.2-1.5x.
=== Core Super / Hyper ===
Using the same logic of Dream Supers/Hypers, you can get a very large amount of speed and height by inputting one of these techs at the last few frames (coyote frames) of the core block's launch.
=== Fish / Bumper / Seeker Boost ===
All of these entities provide a large amount of momentum when used in a certain way (Getting near them, Touching them, and Stunning them, respectively), but share a common mechanic. When holding in the same direction as Madeline is boosted, you will gain an extra boost of speed; about 1.5x to 2x.
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Elevators rely on the fact that pressing down while releasing Grab will simply drop the item Madeline is holding, rather than throwing it. After dropping an item, Dash upwards while holding Grab to Grab the item again. Madeline will get a small speed boost upwards.
<u>Note:</u> TheoGrab-ables crystals do notwill give a speed boost; Jellyfish do, and will give a larger one depending on how late in the Dash they were Grabbed. Theo crystals will give a small boost, while Jellyfish will give a much larger one.
=== Oshiro / Snowball / Seeker / Fish Jump ===
=== Bubble Super/Hyper ===
Jumping on the top of Oshiro, a snowball, a pufferfish, or a seeker will bounce Madeline up a bit and restore her dash, while stunning or destroying the object. They can even be used for mid-air dash techs like supers, when Jump is held.
=== Bubble Super / Hyper ===
This can only be performed if the bubble is level with the ground Madeline is standing on. Dash right into the bubble, and before you enter the bubble, very quickly input a hyper/super (not extended). The bubble will then launch you with the momentum of either a hyper or a super, depending on which one you used.
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=== Lava Neutrals ===
Lava has a pixel-perfect window where you can climb it with a Neutral Jump, however the window can be extended by '''Jump Buffering'''. Just don't get too close, as it will still hurt to touch!
=== Blockboost ===
A blockboost is done by inputting a super, hyper, or wavedash onto a dash block, and makes Madeline inherit the (very high) speed from the moving dash block. The jump after the tech may need to be delayed. Reversing the tech will also work (although it will be harder to time it right).
<u>Variant - DoubleChained Blockboost:</u> ABlockboosts blockboostare followedonly limited by anhow immediatemany ultrayou dash.can Thestuff ultrainto willthe multiplyshort thewindow alreadythey highprovide. Their speed ofboost theis dashadditive, blockand getting as many as possible will maximize your speed.
=== Zipboost ===
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== Mechanics ==
These "techs" were added primarily to make the game feel smoother and more forgiving to play, but can be taken advantage of.
Mechanics are not techs in themselves, but rather just base components of the main game. They can be used to their advantage, and many techs make use of them.
=== Screen Transition ===
When transitioning between two screens, Madeline's dash(es) and stamina are restored.
=== Fastfalling (Fastfall) ===
One of the simplest techs ever, Madeline will fall faster if you want her to.
Just press Down while in mid-air.
=== Coyote Time/Jump ===
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=== Directional Spikes ===
Spikes will not hurt Madeline if she is travelling away from them or in the direction that they point. This is the method behind Spikejumps and one-way gates.
=== Jump Buffering ===
Jumps can be pressed 3-4 frames before actually hitting the ground (or other object to jump off of) and will still work.
== Trivia ==


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