Farewell Golden Collectors' List
Farewell Golden Collectors' List (link) is a spreadsheet containing lists of people who submitted a verified run of them collecting Farewell's golden strawberry. It has several tabs that house standard runs (the most popular category), Golden Moon Berry runs (runs that collected both the Golden Berry and the Moon Berry), DTS runs (runs using the Dash Trigger Skip), and challenge/special runs. The list also tracks whether the Moon Berry was collected, if any keys were used or kept, whether it is a repeat collect, and the berry's number. It also contains the date of achieving 202 berries for runners whose Farewell Golden Berry was not 202nd.
The spreadsheet was created and maintained by DJTom3, but is now updated by isabelle (mystral_fox
on Discord). To submit the run, contact her with a video recording of your Farewell Golden Berry collection.
History[edit | edit source]
lennygold was the first to grab Farewell's golden berry on September 12, 2019. Eenox became second, and Chaikitty became third five days later, on September 17, 2019. Eenox was the first to grab the Moon Berry and the golden berry in the same run on September 21, 2019 (also achieving a double collect). The first DTS run belongs to NPH, who did it on October 18, 2021.
After DJTom3 added 271 runs in the "Standard Runs" tab, issy took over the list in March 2022. She added over 400 runs.
Several challenge runs, such as Eenox's meme run (uncovering many easter eggs of Farewell), became notable in the Celeste community.
Celeste Wiki had a copy of Farewell Golden Collectors' List, now discontinued and archived here.
Notepad set up a site Wow Your Friends, listing everyone who collected all 202 berries of vanilla Celeste.
Submitting[edit | edit source]
To submit a run to the Collectors' list, you need permanent video proof of you completing Farewell and collecting Farewell's golden strawberry without variants (except Other Self), assists, or mods benefiting in some way. If playing on Nintendo Switch and unable to record a full run, you can record the last room and pause for at least one second to show that assists or variants are disabled; you'll also need to attach a playback of the video on the Switch itself. After that, contact isabelle with your run. If everything is good, the run will be verified and put on the spreadsheet in a few days. There are more instructions in the "How do I get on?" tab of the spreadsheet.