Cheat Mode

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Revision as of 10:06, 21 January 2021 by Ezel142 (talk | contribs)
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A save file using Cheat Mode

Cheat Mode is a hidden feature in Celeste. Activating Cheat Mode unlocks all chapters with B and C-Sides included, all Crystal Heart Gate without the need of collecting the Crystal Hearts, as well as features like Variant Mode, Golden Strawberries and Pico-8, although, collecting Strawberries, Cassettes or Crystal Hearts isn't saved. Cheat Mode is useful for speedrunners and players who need to practice a specific chapter on a separate save, however it should be noted that unlocking Cheat Mode on a given save file adds a permanent "Cheat Mode" banner on the file select menu. Cheat mode is permanent and cannot be disabled.

Unlock Method

During the prologue immediately head left to the screen with the intro car. And preform the following specific inputs. Cheat mode will become enabled and you will be taken back to the map. There is no time limit to do the inputs.

Alternatively if you have modified your save to enable debug mode. You can open the console by pressing ~ and type "cheat" and instantly unlock it.

  • Keyboard: Left, Right, Tab, Z, Up, Up, Down, Left, Z, C
  • Controller: Left, Right, LT, RT, Up, Up, Down, Left, RT, A

Usage in speedrunning and modding

Cheat Mode is required for categories such as: all B-Sides, all C-Sides or specific individual levels. Because normally getting there would require beating multiple chapters, and Assist Mode, Variant Mode or even Debug Mode are not allowed for most categories, it's possible to skip straight to the specific chapter in Cheat Mode.

Modders also use Cheat Mode frequently, as it allows them to skip to a specific chapter without the need of completing every level. Golden Strawberry hunters tend to use it in modded maps in order to have them unlocked without having to rebeat the map on a separate save file.