You've found the file! However, downloads have been disabled because of what Lena Raine stated. Please keep in mind that buying on Bandcamp doesn't mean paying greedy publishers whom solely lobby against your rights and try to enforce digital restrictions management; instead, you are paying Lena Raine directly, with Bandcamp only taking a small share. Therefore, you know what to do. If you still wish to pirate this, why are you even here? These are merely 128 kilobit Opus files. There's literally no reason to! Not all piracy is necessary unethical, but pirating Celeste is quite definitely a step beyond morality.
“If it's only embedded & not able to be downloaded I think that's ok. I've seen a few wikis like the undertale one with embedded tracks like that. for bit-rate, whatever feels right to them, 128kbps is probably fine for an embed?”