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<u>Reversed:</u> Dash in one direction, but press the opposite direction (after the dash) before jumping. Madeline will be launched in the opposite direction.
<u>Variant - Mid-air hyper:</u> Check '''Demohyper''' below.
<u>Variant - Hyper Hop:</u> A hyper followed by a bunnyhop is known as a Hyper Hop, and will give a large speed boost compared to a regular hyper. To do a hyper hop, do a hyper with the quickest and shortest Jump you can, then a full-length jump after hitting the ground again.
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==== Demodash (Demo) ====
{{Main|Demodash}}Demos are a neat tech that allow the player to dash through hitboxes and get to spots that are normally not accessible, however are rather difficult to learn. To do a demo, press Down ''right before,'' (Within 4 frames or 0.07 seconds before) - but not during - a left/right dash. If done correctly, Madeline's hitbox will remain crouched during the dash, allowing you to slip through spinners, dust bunnies, and other obstacles unharmed.
<u>Variant - Demohyper:</u> Doing a super (usually a mid-air one) after the demodash will result in a hyper, because of the crouched state needed for the demo in the first place. They are slightly faster than normal hypers because it begins with a horizontal dash rather than a diagonal one.
==== Wavedash ====
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==== Zipboost ====
==== Screen Transition ====
Not a tech in itself, however when transitioning screens Madeline's dash (and stamina) is automatically restored. This leads to some useful applications for collectibles split between two screens that would normally be unreachable on a single screen.
== Expert Tech ==
Expert Tech is extremely complicated and difficult to perform, and has little to no use in the base game, except for some speedrunning applications and highly difficult modded levels. Only learn these if you really want to.
==== UltrasUltradash (Ultra) ====
{{Main|Ultradashes}}Ultras are a very tricky and precise tech to use, but very useful for speedrunning because of their extreme speed. They rely on the mechanic that downwards diagonal dashes add to your speed rather than removing the boost at the end of the dash. To do an ultra, dash diagonally down towards the ground and press Jump ''when'' you hit the ground, not before or after. A more detailed guide is listed above.
==== Ground UltrasUltra (GultrasGultra) ====
==== Chained UltrasUltra ====
==== Spike JumpsJump ====
==== Double Blockboost ====
==== Diagonal DemodashesDemodash (Diag DemosDemo) ====
==== Jelly Juggling ====
== Trivia ==
- 5Dashless Jumps,tech ais dashlessextensively Cornerboost,used and dashless Cornerkick are all required forin Chapter 1's Golden Winged Berry. Neutrals are highly recommended as well.
- Screen Transitions are used for Chapter 2's Crystal Heart.
- The Elevator Shaft Demo strategy in Chapter 3 requires a Demodash, however there are also other rooms in the game that it's still useful in.


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