Tech: Difference between revisions

From Celeste Wiki
970 bytes added ,  3 years ago
Minor edits everywhere, added Directional Spikes to Mechanics
m (Tweaked waterboosts)
(Minor edits everywhere, added Directional Spikes to Mechanics)
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== Dash Tech ==
Dash Tech refers to techs that require a dash to use, and tend to be simple yet useful. Most dash tech can be Extended, meaning you regain a dash by touching the ground for longer; or Reversed, meaning you dash in one direction but launch in the other direction. Reversing a tech is a handy way to Extend it without much ground room, and as such, Reversed + Extended tech is only referred to as Reversed, as reversed techs grant the same benefits as extended versions.
Many of the Dash Techs can be fine-tuned with the duration that the Jump button is held. The longer it is held, the higher the tech will go and the longer Madeline will stay in the air. Very short hops are known as Bunnyhops, while holding the button down as long as possible is a Full Jump.
[[File:Mid-air super.gif|thumb|240x240px|Mid-Air Super and Reverse Super]]
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<u>Reversed:</u> Dash in one direction, but press the opposite direction (after the Dash) before Jumping. Madeline will be launched in the opposite direction.
<u>Variant - Mid-Air Hyper:</u> See '''Demohyper''' below.[[File:Wavedashing.gif|thumb|240x240px|Wavedash and Reverse Wavedash]]
<u>Variant - Hyper Hop:</u> A Hyper followed by a Bunnyhop is known as a Hyper Hop, and will give a large speed boost compared to a regular Hyper. To perform a Hyper Hop, do a Hyper with the quickest and shortest Jump you can, then a full-length Jump after hitting the ground again.
[[File:Wavedashing.gif|thumb|240x240px|Wavedash and Reverse Wavedash]]
=== Wavedash (Wave) ===
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== Dashless Tech ==
Dashless Tech refers to techs that don't need a dash to use, and tend to be more complex or precise. Unlike the dashing variants, these cannot be extended or reversed.
=== Fastfalling (Fastfall) ===
One of the simplest techs to perform, Fastfalling will (you guessed it) make Madeline fall faster. Air friction will remain the same. To fastfall, hold Down while in mid-air. This has little practical use outside of speedrunning and a few rooms in Farewell.
=== Bunnyhop (Bhop) ===
A Bunnyhop is little more than hitting the jump button for as little time as possible. Repeated bhopsbunnyhops are slightly faster than normal walking, and can be added to some dash techs to increase speed at the cost of height.
=== Cornerkick ===
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If crouching before a Jump, Madeline will remain crouched while jumping; and can climb while still being crouched. To do this, hold Crouch, then Jump while holding Crouch. You can throw a Grab into the mix and climbjump at the same time.
=== Neutral Jump (Neutral) ===
{{Main|Neutrals}}Neutrals are one of the most fundamental dashless techs, used in a variety of base game and modded maps. They are moderately hard to learn, but easier to master. To do a neutral, kick off a wall ''without'' holding a direction, then immediately hold a direction towards the wall; repeat until the wall is climbed.
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=== 5 Jump ===
5 Jumps use two climbjumps - one after the other - to clear 5 tiles in a single jump. To do a 5 Jump, climbjump off a wall (straight up), and as you hit/grab onto the wall again, climbjump and move left or right.
<u>Variant - 6 Jump:</u> See '''Cornerboost''' below.
=== Dreadcorner ===
A Dreadcorner refers to jumping on the corner of terrain that haswith spikes, except for a pixel-perfect spot on itthe corner where there isn't. This iscorner actuallyis safe to jump on,or yetCornerboost pixel perfecton. To playset it safeup, you can usegrab a wall that ends on the same tile (if available), fall down without pressing directional keys, and thenpress jumpJump at the right time.
=== Cornerboost (Cboost) ===
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Dream Jumps grant a small upwards (but mostly horizontal) speed boost when exiting Dream Blocks. Simply press Jump as you leave the dream block.
<u>Dream Double-Jump</u>: Spamming the jump button twice right as Madeline makes it out of the dream block allows for a longer jump than a normal dream jump. This may not be possible without binding two jump buttons.
=== Dream Super/Hyper ===
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== Modded Tech ==
Modded Tech is not found in the base game nor its speedruns, but still exists. It can be used in modded levels where the mapmaker uses in-game elements in a way not found in the vanilla levels.
=== Dream Redirect ===
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When transitioning between two screens, Madeline's dash(es) and stamina are restored.
=== Coyote Time/Jump ===
Madeline is allowed to jump for a few frames after leaving a platform.
=== Fastbubbling ===
Press Dash while inside of a stationary bubble to make it move sooner. Dashing inside a moving bubble will use your dash and make Madeline dash outside of the bubble, interrupting it.
=== Ledges ===
Ledges refer to the corner(ish) of a tile that doesn't actually have spikes on it, but next to it (usually on a wall). These are completely safe to stand on, although they are rather tiny. To stand on them, stand just next to the corner of the tile.
This is not to be confused with Dreadcorners; Dreadcorners are only the pixel edge on the corner of a wall, but ledges can be stood on and allow for more leniency.
=== Directional Spikes ===
Spikes will not hurt Madeline if she is travelling away from them or in the direction that they point. This is the method behind Spikejumps and one-way gates.
== Trivia ==
* 1A - Dashless tech is used extensively for 1A's Winged Berry. The Cornerkick named "Coffee Jump" refers to the Cornerkick in the room with the coffee shop in the background.
* 2A - Screen Transitions are used forto obtain 2A's Crystal Heart.
* 3A - The Elevator Shaft Demo strategy in 3A requires a DemoDemodash, however there are also other rooms in the game that it's still useful in.
* 5A - The Keyskip strategy in 5A requires a Reverse Super.
* The bird will tell you multiple techs throughout the game. Notably: Dashing, in Prologue; Dream Jumps, in Old Site B; Wallbounces, in Summit B; and Hyperdashes, in Core C. The game will teach Wavedashes to the player in Farewell.
* Hypers are taught and required in 8C.
* The Demodash was discovered by the player [[Community:DemoJameson|DemoJameson]] on October 14, 2018. It was subsequently named after him.
* Wavedashes are used extensively in the Farewell chapter.


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