Tech: Difference between revisions

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A few things, check #entries
m (→‎Archie: Clarified something)
(A few things, check #entries)
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=== Ultradash (Ultra) ===
{{Main|Ultradashes}}Ultras are a veryquite tricky and precise tech to use, but very useful for speedrunning because of their extreme speed. They rely on the mechanic that downwards diagonal dashes add to your speed rather than removing the boost at the end of the dash. To perform an Ultra, Dash diagonally down towards the ground and press Jump ''when'' you hit the ground, not before or after, and you will gain a 1.2x speed boost. See the main Ultra page for a more detailed explanation.
<u>Grounded Ultra (Gultra):</u> You can perform a Wave immediately followed by a down-diagonal Dash, which will give you the momentum of an Ultra, but for a very limited time. This is typically used in speedrunning as the fastest means to travel long flat distances. However, grabbing a throwable as you jump off the Grounded Ultra allows you to keep your Ultra momentum.
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=== Fastfalling (Fastfall) ===
One of the simplest techs to perform, Fastfalling will (you guessed it) make Madeline fall faster. Air friction will remain the same. To fastfall, hold Down while in mid-air. This has little practical use outside of speedrunning and a few rooms in Farewell.
=== Coyote Jump ===
Coyote Jumps are more a mechanic than a tech; Madeline is allowed to Jump for a few frames after the player walks off the ground. This is useful for getting a ''little'' farther when you need it. It is also what enables moves such as dream jumps and dream hypers.
=== Bunnyhop (Bhop) ===
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Using the same logic of Dream Supers/Hypers, you can get a very large amount of speed and height by inputting one of these techs at the last few frames of the core block's launch.
=== Fish/Bumper/Seeker/Fish Boost ===
All of these entities provide a large amount of momentum when used in a certain way (Getting near them, Touching them, and Stunning them, respectively), but share a common mechanic. When holding in the same direction as Madeline is boosted, you will gain an extra boost of speed; about 1.5x to 2x.
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=== Binoculars Clip (Bino Clip) ===
In order to reduce strain on the game, when using binoculars, the game will unload spinners that aren't currently visible; allowing Madeline to dash or even walk through them with total safety (at least until they load back in). To do this, look in the binoculars, move them as far away as you can (or enough to unload the spinners), then quickly leave and dash through the spinners.
=== ScreenJellyfish TransitionBoost ===
Dashing into a jellyfish while holding grab will impart Madeline's speed into the jellyfish, as well as a small speed boost. Works for any direction.
Not a tech in itself, however when transitioning screens Madeline's dash (and stamina) is automatically restored. This leads to some useful applications for collectibles split between two screens that would normally be unreachable on a single screen; it is most notably applied for the crystal heart in {{ch|2|lf=1}} or the first key in {{ch|3a|lf=1}}.
=== Archie ===
EnteringAn "Archie" is entering a bubble with a crouched hitbox (from any direction), which will move the bubble up by two pixels. This is most often performed with a demodash, but can also be done simply using a duck jump. This trick is used a few times during some speedruns, most notably in a room featuring a few tokens in the Golden Ridge A Side in order to save a bit of time. A tutorial by Flesh117 featuring this very room can be found [ here].
<u>[ Tutorial (Flesh117)]</u>
== Incomplete documentation (formerly Expert Tech) ==
== Obscure Tech ==
=== Spike Jump ===
=== Double Blockboost ===
=== Diagonal Demodash (Diag Demo) ===
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=== Lava Neutrals ===
Lava has a pixel-perfect window where you can climb it with a Neutral Jump. Just don't get too close, as it will still hurt to touch!
=== Blockboost ===
A blockboost is done by inputting a super, hyper, or wavedash onto a dash block, and makes Madeline inherit the (very high) speed from the moving dash block. The jump after the tech may need to be delayed. Reversing the tech will also work (although it will be harder to time it right).
<u>Variant - Double Blockboost:</u> A blockboost followed by an immediate ultra dash. The ultra will multiply the already high speed of the dash block.
=== Zipboost ===
=== Ceiling Pop ===
== Modded Tech ==
Modded Tech is not found in the base game nor its speedruns, but still exists. It can be used in modded levels.
=== Dream Redirect ===
If dash crystals are put inside of dream blocks, Madeline's dash is restored inside the dream block as well as after leaving it. You can dash while inside the dream block and change direction, or dash the same direction for a massive speed boost.
=== Dream-Bubble Boost ===
Dream supers and hypers can be done from within a bubble right after a dream block.
=== Dream Wallbounce ===
Wallbounces can be inputted in the few frames after leaving a dream block, similar to supers and hypers.
=== Waterboost ===
Going in and out of multiple layers of water rapidly will add multiplicative speed, as long as the proper direction is held.
== Mechanics ==
Mechanics are not techs in themselves, but rather just base components of the main game. They can be used to their advantage, and many techs make use of them.
=== Screen Transition ===
When transitioning between two screens, Madeline's dash(es) and stamina are restored.
=== Coyote JumpTime ===
Madeline is allowed to jump for a few frames after leaving a platform.
== Trivia ==
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* Hypers are taught and required in 8C.
* The Demodash was discovered by the player [[Community:DemoJameson|DemoJameson]] on (DATE NEEDED). It was subsequently named after him.
* Wavedashes are used extensively in the Farewell chapter.


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