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Pausebuffering is a technique where inputs are done via repeated pausing and unpausing of the game.

This allows you to input frame perfectly if done precisely.

You cannot immediately pause again after unpausing and must wait a while, here are the frame timings for repeatedly pause buffering a single input

You unpause on frame 0, it takes in total 10 frames before control is returned.

Frame Status
0 Starting to unpause. Control is removed.
1 No control
2 No control
3 No control
4 No control
5 No control
6 No control, first frame you could buffer pause (start holding it) and inputs (you can hold both they should be accepted)
7 No control, second frame of buffer
8 No control, third frame of buffer
9 No control, fourth frame of buffer
10 Control returned; first frame of gameplay resumed, fifth frame of buffer
11 First frame that you can pause if the button is held down.

Since you can start holding pause from frame 6 till 11 the buffer window for a pausebuffer is 6 frames (5+1).

This works because pausing is instant, and the game will pause on frame 11 before executing the frame of gameplay.