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The Frogeline emoji

Date created June 9, 2019

The term "Frogeline" (also known as :frogeline:), "Frog" or for short, refers to an emote commonly used as an expression of excitement within the Celeste community and the Celeste Discord server. It takes the appearance of a sideways Kermit the Frog striking a "Pog¹ ²" pose ("FrogChamp"), but with Madeline's hair superimposed on top.

Frogeline was first implemented on the Celeste Discord server on June 9, 2019, following a suggestion by timesink#6932 created on June 7, 2019. Since that day, it has spread in various Celeste communities like wildfire.

Several variations on the Frogeline emote exist throughout the Internet, especially in other Celeste Discord servers. The most notable one is :pausefrogeline:, which depicts Frogeline with the mouth closed. Other variations include :frogelinewoke:, combining it with the "woke" red eyes meme. These, however, are much less common than the original Frogeline, owing to how they are non-present on the official Celeste Discord server.

The antithesis of Frogeline is commonly recognized to be Cateline, an emote similar to Frogeline albeit depicting "Smudge the Cat" from the woman yelling at a cat meme.



  • Frogeline has been used in over 77 thousand messages within the Celeste Discord Server, as of April 2021.
  • Frogeline is referenced many times outside of using the emote; examples include using the term "Froggers" instead of "Poggers", used for the same reason as the emote itself.
  • Many other expressions on the Celeste Discord server and within the Celeste community invoke Frogeline indirectly. Examples include "frogular", which means "excellent" or "tubular".
  • :pausefrogeline: was created originally by Baq#5843, under the name :pausefrogchamp:, and then an individual within a smaller Celeste centered Discord server pasted Madeline's hair on top of it.
  • Celeste Wiki's Discord server has a special channel for spamming Frogeline emojis.
  • Frogeline, along with Cateline is used commonly in server voting systems, Frogeline representing voting for something and Cateline is for voting against it.
  • Frogeline is currently the most used emote in the Celeste Discord server.


¹ Not to be confused with Pogs, or Milk Caps.

² Incidentally, "Pog" means "Play of Game" and "Pogchamp" means "Play of Game Champion." Thus is the reason the twitch emote is named "Pogchamp," as it's subject is a person with an excited face.

celeste told me to edit the page so elly was here