Assist Mode

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Assist Mode is a special mode for Celeste, toggle-able anytime from the save slot menu, which enables access to several features that allow Madeline to progress in an easier way. These options include increasing Madeline's number of dashes, making her invincible, or otherwise different changes which make the game easier to experience for everyone. It also enables skipping different chapters, if needed.

A special warning is given to players whom attempt to toggle Assist Mode for the first time. It goes as such:

“Assist Mode allows you to modify the game’s rules to reduce its difficulty. This includes options such as slowing the game speed, granting yourself invincibility or infinite stamina, and skipping chapters entirely. Celeste was designed to be a challenging but accessible game. We believe that its difficulty is essential to the experience. We recommend playing without Assist Mode your first time. However, we understand that every player is different. If Celeste is inaccessible to you due to its difficulty, we hope that Assist Mode will allow you to still enjoy it.”

~ Celeste main menu