Extended Variant Mode

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Extended Variant Mode
Creator maddie480
(and many more)
Type Tools
Link GameBanana

Extended Variant Mode is a Celeste mod that adds extended variants to the game as an option in the pause menu. They can modify the game to a further extent than vanilla assists or variants. For example, you can decrease, increase, or disable gravity; alter the jump height and count; add Badeline Chasers, Oshiro Bosses and Badeline bosses. There are also visual variants, which can display some useful information like Madeline's speed, change the brightness, zoom, and other visual effects, or turn the level upside down (which can be used in conjunction with the "Mirror Mode" vanilla variant or the "Corrected Mirror Mode" variant).

There are about 120 extended variants overall. Some mods can add other extended variants into the menu and use them as well. There is also an option to randomize the variants periodically or on each screen. Descriptions for most variants are available on the GameBanana page.