Celeste Bounty Board

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Celeste Bounty Board

Celeste Bounty Board (link) is a Trello board containing bounties claimable by completing a certain task, mostly related to modded Celeste. It is managed by touhoe and bananamath. The bounties are separated into five categories by difficulty, also corresponding to points awarded (Novice - 1, Moderate - 3, Intense - 5, Master - 15, Celestial - 50). They are also divided into colors for types (blue for Deathcount Challenges, red for Speedrun Challenges, orange for Special Challenges, pink for Co-op Challenges, and purple for TAS Challenges). To claim a bounty, a player usually needs to submit a video of completing a bounty challenge. Each bounty has a claim limit. For harder bounties, the first person (or team) to claim it often earns extra points.

While some bounties are simple deathless or speedrun challenges, many have special requirements. Some examples include completing the map or area with limited dashes, jumps, or entity uses (like Lilies in "Garden of Lilys" bounty), finishing it with certain Extended Variants (like completing EAT GIRL with 5 Seekers), or maxing the berry train. This makes bounty hunting interesting and distinctive.

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